Pangea Ultima

"Our ancestors were already making music with drums and the sound of their voices when they came to Europe from Africa. The oldest instrument known to this day is a 9000 year-old flute found in China made of the bones of a vulture. Since the beginnings of humankind, we have expressed ourselves through music and storytelling: our happiness and sorrows, our fears and hopes. Let this be one contribution more, a further journey through space and time. Best served while cooking, driving, and making love." - José Díaz de León

Pangea Ultima ... is the latest project of composer and bandleader José Díaz de León. The name of the project comes from the supercontinent that may potentially form in a few million years. In this scenario, all current continents would merge into one, overcoming all territorial boundaries. If humanity still exists in this distant future, the music of Pangea Ultima would be the soundtrack to it.
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